

“National Security” is in the “…plants yeilding seed after their kind…” –Genesis 1:12

Human Sacrifice on the altars of the military-industrial complex “gods-of-war”, or on the altar of the gmo “gods-of-prosperity” does not contribute to “National Security.” It’s time to transform our world, beginning with heirloom seeds in our own homes.

There’s an Ancient Instruction:
“Build houses and live in them; and plant gardens and eat their produce.” –Jeremiah 29:5
“…you shall give it to the Levite, to the stranger, to the orphan, and to the widow, that they may eat in your towns and be satisified. You shall say before YHWH your God, “I have removed the sacred portion from my house, and also have given it to the Levite and the alien, the orphan and the widow, according to all Your commandments which You have commanded me: I have not transgressed or forgotten any of Your commandments.” –Deuteronomy 26:12-13
“He has told you, O earth-being*, what is good: and what does YHWH require of you, but to do justice, to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?” –Micah 6:8

The word “earth-being” is often translated “man”, but is better-translated “earthen being,” in reference to the Genesis account of the human being made “from the dust of the ground,” and being called “Adam.” The word “adam” is related to the word “adamah,” meaning “ground” or “earth.”

Here’s the Ancient Hebrew Pictograph:


When we find the humility to embrace the fact  that we are built from the earth, and will one day return to it, we can find beautiful “grounding” in our original occupation as gardeners. The freedom to be the “earth-beings” we were designed to be is the most basic of human rights.

May we be blessed to build a world where that right is honored and exercised in profusion!


I’ve been offline for a bit. Internet access has been sketchy, but I had to post this:

I’ve seen miracles.

Horsetail is my buddy. My teeth & gums & joints all love horsetail tea, but we’ve been out of it for about a month. I’m feeling it. So we went adventuring… in our new car!!!! …well… new to us, anyhow. It doesn’t like going uphill, we’ve found, and only seats 5 of us at a time, and it has a few other quirks, but hey, it was FREE, and it got me to my horsetail! That makes it a good car in my book 😀

At any rate, my house is currently overflowing with another medicinal plant to be stored up for winter. I’m a happy camper 🙂

Oh, yeah, and there’s an ancient “arrow” or two,  pointing us toward exploring things like horsetail:

‘and to every beast of the earth and to every bird of the sky and to every thing that moves on the earth which has life, I have given every green plant for food”; and it was so.’

–Genesis 1:30

… and that 7th year letting the land rest and eating the stuff that grows on its own thing:

“You shall sow your land for six years and gather in its yield, but on the seventh year you shall let it rest and lie fallow, so that the needy of your people may eat; and whatever they leave the beast of the field may eat. You are to do the same with your vineyard and your olive grove.”

–Exodus 23:10-11

Being kind to the poor and the animals is just a great health investment 😉

For more info on how horsetail may be of benefit in your world, you can visit this link:

For more info on dealing with joint pains, here’s a post I wrote on that:

For my multivitamin recipe that includes horsetail, click here:

For my toothpaste recipe, click here:

Hope you all are having a beautiful Summer! Let me know if you find an herb you love, and why! 🙂


‘Wanna keep ‘yer teeth? I was looking at Vitamin K-2 a bit more closely today, as I take it for my teeth, and bumped into an article that I had to post here. I have to wonder how many “incurable diseases” are really just nutritional deficiencies…

Yes, K-3 can be problematic in large amounts, but it seems K-1 and K-2 are pretty beautiful and benign tools in much higher quantities than the USRDA:

So they say to eat plenty of green leafies for your health… hmm… where have I heard that before???

“Both thorns and thistles it shall grow for you;
And you will eat the plants of the field;”

–Genesis 3:18

Standard Disclaimer:

I’m  no doc, and don’t pretend to be one. I am therefore not legally licensed to diagnose, cure, treat, prevent, or otherwise mitigate any disease, and neither is the stuff I generally choose for healing… but then, I’ve not been educated / indoctrinated by boards with big pharma reps on them, either ;-)  so do your own research and find what works for you :-)

A friend asked me to share what economic, practical thoughts I have on how we make it as a single-income family. First off, I have to acknowledge: we’re well-blessed, and I “get it” that not everyone has all the tools in their basket that we do. That said, other people do have tools in their baskets that we don’t. In a nutshell, we have to find thankfulness for what already exists, rather expending time, energy, money, and frustration on pining after what isn’t. In a world where instant gratification and marketing and sales and “shoulds” and “obligations” are often hailed as gods above real needs, real relationships, and multi-generational investments, finding thankfulness for what already exists is not always the easiest path. We don’t walk it perfectly, but we do walk it, learning along the way.

In no particular order, some things that make our world function on one income:

1. Home Hair Cuts: I do all of them, including my own, and I get compliments on them! If you’re not brave enough to try it right off, practice on a doll, and barter with someone who’s done it before ’till you’re feelin’ ‘yer oats 😉

2. Drying Line: Cuts down on the power bill. Wood heat in the winter helps w/ this, as it serves dual purpose: re-humidifies the air a bit, and you’re not paying for the heat twice.

3. Bicycles: We have an update post here on the “family car.” Between insurance and gas and overall health improvements, it’s been an awesome gift in our world. Not an easy one to initially imagine, considering I was pretty arthritic when we first gave up the car, but no regrets 🙂

4. Giving: Ancient Hebrew Pictograph of the word give here. What goes around comes around. Find someone in worse shape than you are (it’s usually not as difficult as it sounds), and do something about it that you *can do.

5. Become Debt-Free: Ancient Proverb says, “The borrower becomes the lender’s slave.” Find a way out of your slavery.

6. Family Relationships: It’s a team effort. We all have to understand that we’re working toward something bigger and more important than money. We have to find the place where we want to build each other and our home into a healthy, peaceful place more than we want the next trinket.

7. Grow Something To Eat: The closer we get to dirt, the more “grounded” we can be, not only emotionally and physically, but also financially. Our health is one of the most expensive things to lose, and one of the fastest ways to improve it is through organic gardening. Chickens are good, too. Check with local restrictions, though. Some cities will allow hens but not roosters, and there may be a restriction per square foot of land area.

8. Tiny House: More land; Less House; Less Stuff. Find the minimum quantity of “stuff” you need to be happy, and do the house size that just barely fits. Land gives food. House & stuff just drain the budget. Shelving, bunk beds, and Straw-stuffed (make sure it’s clean & dry) mattresses have been a great help for us in making a small house work.

9. Natural / Alternative Medicine: There’s a learning curve to it, and the first few years, we did use modern medicine for a bit. It didn’t work for us, so I studied on my own, and listened to the health-nutty guru’s that had conquered this, that, and the other thing. At this point, our world doesn’t revolve around gas money to get to the doctor’s office. The doctor can’t research as quickly or as effectively or as intimately as I can, here, from home, on my computer. Outside of dismemberment, I haven’t found any use for modern medicine: I can do better for my own family. They’re just people with fancy papers who have been through a system that’s run by money. I’m not. I’m just as smart as they are, but less brainwashed, and better-motivated. All of that said, check out the disclaimer below 😉

10. Growing Herbs: Seasonings and Medicines and a lot of herbs that double as both. A gold mine!

11. Convection Oven: In the absence of a very efficient wood stove (will post on Hubby’s invention / modification later) that runs on twigs, rather than logs, a convection oven uses a lot less energy (money) than the regular sort. Our counter-top version was a second-hand purchase, and has been great!

12. Craigslist: That second-hand thing. The world gets a lot less trashed with re-using what someone else figured out they didn’t need. Meanwhile, I pay less than half what everyone else did for theirs, originally.

13. Build Something: Hubby’s built a business that will, hopefully, sell for enough to pay for the materials for us to build a place where we won’t have to pay rent anymore! Meanwhile, he’s built a sauna for me (LOVING MY MAN!!!), and a shed to sell or maybe trade for the vehicle to move us to our new place to build 😀

14. DIY: Look up whatever it is you find you need, and build it, make it, cook it, brew it, medicate it, repair it. Whatever it is, chances are, it’s just not that complicated… unless it’s a computer… and you’re like me about computers. Still working on conquering that “giant” in my world. LOL!

15. Writing? I’m writing a book… hoping it sells a billion or two copies, and we can retire, fat-and-happy! LOL!

Love to all of you, who are working to do the single-income thing! It’s been well-worth-it for us: our babies know who we are, and we know them. We’re building our home together, one life lesson at a time.

Standard Disclaimer:

I’m  no doc, and don’t pretend to be one. I am therefore not legally licensed to diagnose, cure, treat, prevent, or otherwise mitigate any disease, and neither is the stuff I generally choose for healing… but then, I’ve not been educated / indoctrinated by boards with big pharma reps on them, either ;-)  so do your own research and find what works for you :-)

Yesterday, I went for a walk to “decompress” a bit. Walked through “The Big, Grassy Field.” The Big, Grassy Field is a vacant lot ’round the corner from us, where nobody sprays anything, and all the wild herbs grow, each in their season… and where everyone dumps whatever trash is in their hands along the path through it. The kids don’t seem to notice the garbage, though. They’re too busy LOVING the grass and herbs and free space to run and play. Their world is right whenever we take a break, or have a reward and go to The Big, Grassy Field.

At any rate, I was walking said path through said Big, Grassy Field, and I registered being “on the edge”– like I could get angry about the smog and asphalt and fast food smells and society in general and all, or I could focus on something good. I felt YHWH telling me, “Focus on the good, green things.” I found all the plants with their colors and flowers… “Touch the good, green things.” I touched the herbs. Normally, I’m more a “use the herbs” type, rather than a “touch the herbs” type LOL!  Found some to bring home & show the kids– different stages of development of horsetail (which one of my kiddos promptly ID’d when I got home, and from the most difficult sample, first :-D). I felt more “grounded.” I felt YHWH saying, “When you can, touch the good, green things, and make them grow.”  It wasn’t just about plants. I could see the vision of strong, healthy plants, breaking up pavement and tearing down the mess we’ve made… but it’s not just nature. It’s building the “good, green things” in people, where I find them, and “making the good, green things grow, when I can.” …in difficult relationships… and not-so-difficult ones… in whoever I happen to meet and “touch.” My job is to nurture the “good, green spaces.” …in the children, and in their parents, through my book…(s), blog(s) & what-not. “Find the good, green spaces. Touch it. Make it grow.”
May YHWH richly and abundantly bless you and yours, and may He touch the good, green spaces in all of you, and make it grow.

3/4 Cup Powdered Xylitol (I like a clean coffee grinder for this)

15 Drops Lemon-Myrtle Essential Oil

3 teaspoons MSM powder, Powdered more finely

1 Tbsp Calendula-infused olive oil (can be purchased at a health food store or made w/ your own flowers)

40 Drops Rosehip Seed Oil

15 Drops Grapefruit Seed Extract

6 Tbsp Organic Olive Oil


Mix it up, and put it in a food-grade squeezie tube.

Kosher for Passover 🙂

So the babies LOVED the home-made vitamins, and have been begging to learn how to make them. Today, their world is right… and so is mine. ‘Cause really, what makes a mama happier than babies who want to learn how to be self-sufficient, using healthy, natural tools… other than maybe having them volunteer to clean up the mess afterward LOL!  …or maybe no fighting over who gets to use the coffee grinder to grind the herbs to a fine powder… (Hey, a gal can dream, can’t she?)

At any rate, we modified our recipe to fit what we had on-hand this time, and we wound up with this:

1/4 cup Nettles Powder

1/4 cup Mullein Powder (couldn’t find a link for this one, but beautiful herb 🙂

2/3 cup Cinnamon Powder

2/3 cup Rosehips Powder

1/3 cup Ginger Powder

2/3 cup Oat Straw Powder

1/2 tsp. Real Salt

2 Tbsp Hydrilla Verticillata (Fresh-Water Seaweed “Noxious Weed”, but GREAT supplement!)

1 1/3 cup Honey

1/2 tsp Orange Extract

Maybe 2/3 cup? Cocoa Powder (for rolling the vitamins in after they’re formed)

Roll dough into small balls, and roll the balls in cocoa powder.

This time, we put babies to work doing this part (with clean hands, of course), and it went much faster. I’m thinking that tiny fingers are just much better at this than mine are. I gave each kiddo a miniature ice cube tray, and had them put one vitamin in each hole when they were done. Works great, and, stored in the freezer, they should last forever. Once they’re frozen individually, I can put them all in one baggie & back in the freezer for space-saving storage.

Two little vitamins, and 2 Tbsp Lemon Flavored Cod Liver Oil, and 1/2 tsp kelp daily (I don’t put the kelp in the vitamins b/c the kids get the “treat vitamins” as a reward for downing the CLO & Kelp. Not sure it would work as well if the “treat vitamins” were more kelp-flavored. They line up & open their mouths like little birds for all of the above as it stands, so I’m not messin’ with it LOL!

Standard Disclaimer:

I’m  no doc, and don’t pretend to be one. I am therefore not legally licensed to diagnose, cure, treat, prevent, or otherwise mitigate any disease, and neither is the stuff I generally choose for healing… but then, I’ve not been educated indoctrinated by boards with big pharma reps on them, either ;-)  so do your own research and find what works for you :-)

I LOVE hot cocoa. Can’t do most forms of dairy, or sugar. What’s a girl to do???!!!

2 Heaping Tbsp Organic* Cocoa Powder

Pinch Cinnamon (or not)

12 ozs boiling water

1/4 cup Organic* Coconut milk

Stir together in a 16-oz coffee mug.


**Note: the Organic Coacoa Powder may be replaced w/ regular if you can’t get the organic, but don’t skimp on the coconut milk: it tastes metallic if you get the regular kind.

Old Mid-Eastern remedy for diarrhea is cocoa– without sweeteners. Sweeteners can exacerbate it. This is a nice way to get it down! Pleasant medicine, if you’re running to the bathroom a bit too regularly 😉 Go easy on the coconut milk, though, in that event.

Standard Disclaimer:

I’m  no doc, and don’t pretend to be one. I am therefore not legally licensed to diagnose, cure, treat, prevent, or otherwise mitigate any disease, and neither is the stuff I generally choose for healing… but then, I’ve not been educated indoctrinated by boards with big pharma reps on them, either ;-)  so do your own research and find what works for you :-)

I ran out of vitamins, and really didn’t want to spend the money on raw-food-based, quality, organic vitamins at the store. Danged  expensive to get the good stuff! …so I’ve been tossing around the idea of making my own. Becoming independent of the money gods and declaring my freedom. If “my people are gone into captivity for lack of knowledge…” (Isaiah 5:13), then maybe the converse is also true? Maybe there is freedom to be had… maybe, in part, to be earned through knowledge and through work in implementing it? Not talking in absolutes, necessarily, here– just the general thought that we can build freedom into our lives through a working understanding of Natural Laws.

With that as a frame-of-reference, I decided to experiment a bit 🙂 First I made some throat lozenges– stirred up some herbs & honey & a little Real Salt, and that went over really well– kiddos liked them, Hubby & I liked them, and they’re just really healthy, food-based medicine.

Here’s what I wound up doing with that:

1/2 cup Rosehips Powder

1/8 cup Comfrey Leaf Powder

1/8 cup Ginger Root Powder

1/3 cup Cinnamon

1/4 tsp Real Salt

3 heaping Tbsp Honey

1/4 tsp Real Salt

1/4 tsp Lemon Extract

1/4 tsp Orange Extract

1/4 cup Xylitol

Just enough hot water to make a dough. Drop by small spoonfuls onto an oiled cookie sheet & air-dry, or dehydrate in a dehydrator.

If I had it on-hand, I might include some licorice powder and / or some slippery elm powder, but this is what I had at the time. Worked nicely 🙂

They disappeared pretty fast, and enter point of confidence to try a bit more:-)  Here’s what I came up with for a first-shot at vitamins. Now, I do give everyone kelp, alfalfa, and Cod Liver Oil daily along with the regular multi, so I’m counting on those things to provide some of the nutrients that aren’t in the following recipe, but I’m thinkin’ I really like the idea of being more hands-on about our supplements and nutrition 🙂

Herbal Vitamins:

1/8 cup Chickweed Powder

1/8 cup Horsetail Powder

1 Tbsp Purple Dead Nettle Powder

1/4 cup Mullein Leaf Powder

2 Tbsp Comfrey Leaf Powder

1/3 cup Ginger Powder

1/3 cup Rosehips Powder

1/4 tsp Real Salt

2/3 cup Honey

1/4 tsp Lemon Extract

1/4 tsp Orange Extract

maybe 1/2 cup cocoa powder for rolling the dough in afterward?

Stir all dry ingredients together first, then make a well in the center, and pour in wet ingredients, and stir it all up ’till it makes a dough. Pinch off little balls and roll in cocoa powder, then set on a cookie sheet to dry, or in a dehydrator. Dehydrate at 115 or lower to preserve live enzymes.

Not the fanciest things in the world, and a bit spicy, so if you’re not into spicy, maybe trade out some ginger for something you like better. Definitely go with less ginger if you’re pregnant: a little is good for digestion and anti-nausea, but too much can stimulate uterine contractions. Works for us, though 🙂 Hubby & Twiddle-be-buttons say it’s a winner– they’re disappearing nicely 😀


I’ll probably play with the recipe some & see what exact amounts of which nutrients are “probably” in each ball– they’re not uniformly sized, but then, they’re all food-based, so no danger of toxicity, either 🙂

A word on comfrey– some folks are uncomfortable using it. I’m good with it. The older books have only good things to say about its use for all kinds of wonderful things. It’s only the modern books that suggest it has any potential for toxicity. “Just happens” that certain big businesses started experimenting with what certain extracts of it could do if injected into lab rats. I’m thinkin’ I’ll not inject it into my bloodstream, and maybe be fine LOL! I’m also very ok with other folks choosing a different nutrient-dense herb in place of it, because it does get a lot of bad press.  Which takes us to our Standard Disclaimer:

I’m  no doc, and don’t pretend to be one. I am therefore not legally licensed to diagnose, cure, treat, prevent, or otherwise mitigate any disease, and neither is the stuff I generally choose for healing… but then, I’ve not been educated indoctrinated by boards with big pharma reps on them, either ;-)  so do your own research and find what works for you :-)