
CLO / Cod Liver Oil

When my eldest was on his way, and when he was still a young infant, I did some research– called up the CDC and spent hours on the phone with the people there, and wouldn’t let them go until I had real numbers– not just “unlikely”, “likely”, “seldom”, etc. I wanted real numbers, and wanted to know what those numbers meant with regards to how much risk I’d be taking with my child… After intense probing and questioning (it’s not info that was readily available at first glance to the lady who answered the phone there), I finally hung up, satisfied that I had the tools I needed. I’ve continued to research since then. I’d encourage anyone responsible for making decisions for those too young to decide for themselves to look beneath the surface and beyond the “status quo.”

Found these two quotes from Hillary Butler: “Recent published studies have found that 72% of hospitalized measles cases in America are Vitamin A deficient.”

Ok… that’s interesting. Second quote is more interesting:

“They took 59 children who had blindness as a ‘result of measles’ , and put them on 100,000 iu of vitamin A every day… by two weeks, all 59 children, with or without corneal scars, had healed. So tell me. What causes the blindness? The measles, or a fundamental vitamin A malnutrition?”

See post on CLO– a GREAT source of Vitamin A as well as Vitamin D:

There’s something deep and fundamental about injecting things into our bloodstream. ” For as for the life of all flesh, its blood is identified with its life…” Leviticus 17:14

“”For every drug that benefits a patient, there is a natural substance that can achieve the same effect.” –Carl C. Pfeiffer, MD, PhD

The following is found at this site:


HILARY BUTLER, spokesperson for the Immunisation Awareness Society.

The Health Department is intending to vaccinate 540,000 children from the ages of 2 – 10, which they say will prevent an epidemic of 50,000 cases, 900 hospitalisations with complications such as pneumonia and encephalitis, and 10 deaths.

The seven to 10 year olds were the so-called susceptible children in 1991 who either got measles, or were the targetted population for the “one-off” MMR vaccine campaign. Of the 2- 6 year olds 85%. have been vaccinated with a vaccine which is supposed to produce antibodies in 95% of vacinees.

This means that 87+ of the 2 – 6 year old will be given a vaccine that they don’t need, and the 7 -10 year olds will yet again be subjected to another “one-off” jab.


In the early stages of the cough, runny nose and fever, a child with Measles will get KOPLIK SPOTS which look like bluey-white grains of salt. These are best seen on the inside of the cheek near the second upper molar, but may also be on the gums anywhere in the mouth. They last for a few days, and are SPECIFIC for measles only. (Medicine International, 1984, pg 20, Viral Diseases in Man, 83rd Edition, pg 412.) Why do you need a painful blood-test with such a specific sign easily available?

You should NOT take your child to the doctor in this prodromal stage if your child has KOPLIK SPOTS. This stage is the MOST infective. If necessary, ring the surgery, but there is nothing your medically responsible doctor should, or could prescribe for your child at this stage. Studies have shown that “prodromal” children taken to doctor’s surgeries, health care facilities and hospitals increase the spread of measles, and put at risk the very people for whom measles is so dangerous – sick or immunocompromised adults, babies and other children. (Infect Dis Child, Dec 95; Ped Infct Dis, Jan 93; Maryland Med J, Oct 91.)

There is a “cure” for measles. It is called Vitamin a…Cod-liver oil. As early as 1932, doctors used cod-liver oil to reduce hospital mortality by 57%, but then antibiotics became the treatment of fashion, and Vitamin A was thrown out until the mid-80’s. Recent published studies have found that 72%. of hospitalised measles cases in America are Vitamin A deficient, and the worse the deficiency the worse the complications and higher the death rate. (Pediatric Nursing, Sept/Oct 1996.) Yet doctors and hospitals in New Zealand do not use Vitamin A.

FACT; 1991 Six deaths, 4 younger than 12 month , unvaccinated, died of pneumonia/encephalitis. 2 vaccinated children, deaths encephalitis.



The Health Department says that keeping unvaccinated healthy children away from vaccinated children will protect vaccinated children. They tell us that vaccines protect children, so aren’t they already vaccine “protected”? The answer is No. In 1991 over 60% of cases in children were “vaccinated”.

Question: Didn’t children used to get measles regularly? Health Department answer: “Yes, because there was no widespread immunisation… Deaths and hospitalisations from measles were not recorded.”

FACT. Vaccinated children still get measles. Deaths and hospitalisations have been recorded for 120 years. The measles death decline graph provided shows that the measles vaccine had nothing to do with the decline in deaths, and has not affected the number of children hospitalised during epidemic years since its introduction. (Appendices to Parliamentary Journals, Official Year Book, Health Department publications such has “Health Trends” and Immunisation Handbook. Also, graphs provided to Herald and Metro in the past)


*** A similar campaign vaccinating 7.1 million schoolchildren in England has resulted in a legal firm called Dawbarns (dawbarns (0044 1553 764373) taking legal action against the British Health Department on behalf of the following cases:

Autism (202), Crohn’s disease and other serious chronic stomach problems (110) Epilepsy (97) Hearing and vision problems (40) Arthritis (42) chronic fatigue syndrome (24) Diabetes (9) Guillain-Barre syndrome (9) chronic Thrombocytopenia (5) subacute sclerosing panencephalitis SSPE {3) Wegener’s Granulomatosis (2) Multiple Sclerosis (1) Death (14) (Dawbarns fact sheet)

*** The childrens’ doctors and specialists have come out in the media in support of the children

*** The New Zealand, and British Health Departments deny the existence of these cases. (NZ H Dept media release, and BMJ article) and maintain that OPERATION SAFEGUARD eliminated measles from UK. In October 1996, UK started another MMR booster campaign.

**** Deaths from Measles were virtually wiped out in every country before the vaccine was even used.(See disease decline graph

*** Using the Health Department statistics on vaccinating 540,000 children, would result in:

Up to 81,000 cases of rash and fever.

Up to 5,400 cases of parotid (mumps) swelling

Up to 216 cases of febrile seizures

Up to 18 cases of thrombocytopenia (red-blood cell destruction)

Up to cases of chronic thrombocytopenia.

Up to 5 cases of Aseptic Meningitis.

Up to 1 case of Central Nervous system damage.

Up to 15,420 cases of transient joint arthralgia some of these becoming chronic. (pg 95, H. Dept Handbook)

*** Germany does not routinely use the measles vaccine because their reporting system found 1 per 2,500 vaccinees had a neurological complication, and 1 per 17,500 vaccinees had abortive encephalopathy. (FDA Technical Report, 1980)

The Germans considered the risks too high in light of the fact that deaths and disease severity had decreased without any reference to a vaccine. * THE SAME IS TRUE OF NEW ZEALAND, but parents are not told that.

*** That in the pre vaccine era, mothers’ antibodies protected babies for around 15 months, measles was mainly an infection of 5 – 9 year olds, and by 15 yrs, 99% had antibodies. By 1985, 14 % of 15 year olds lacked antibody.( NZ Med J. 27 May, 1987) No-one knows what the level is now, but evidence from America shows that adult measles, which can be very serious, is now quite common.

*** that vaccinated mothers cannot give protective antibodies to their babies, so that young babies, for whom measles is serious are no longer protected. (Washington Post, Sun Nov 22, 1992, and others)

“** that in the 1991 USA measles outbreak, over half the deaths were vaccinated, and most deaths were in immunocompromised people. (Washington Post June 14, 1991, BMJ, 11 May, 1991)

*** that New Zealand doctors and hospitals do not prescribe or use Vitamin A for measles, and as a result, many cases are far more serious than they should be.

“** that in Africa, children who have a natural measles infection have half the asthma, allergies and eczema compared with their vaccinated peers. (Lancet, June 29, 1996)

*** that if children with mild to moderate psoriasis get a natural dose of measles, the psoriasis is often cured. (3 med studies)

*** that babies vaccinated who have maternal antibodies, or people who have measles suppressed with gammaglobulin go on to have a higher rate of immunoreactive diseases, sebaceous skin diseases, degenerative cartilage and bone disease and certain tumours. (Lancet, 5 Jan 1985) If you revaccinate children who already have antibodies what will happen to them in later life?

*** that you have the right to take home the PRODUCT INSERT, and read it carefully before you make any decision”.


and anything happens which you know is not normal for your child, go to your doctor, or hospital immediately. Fill out an H 1574 form, make sure that the medical records are correct, sign them yourself, and get copies. In the event of permanent damage. Without these documents you will be unable to obtain ACC coverage, or financial assistance of any sort

“”For every drug that benefits a patient, there is a natural substance that can achieve the same effect.” –Carl C. Pfeiffer, MD, PhD

So the babies LOVED the home-made vitamins, and have been begging to learn how to make them. Today, their world is right… and so is mine. ‘Cause really, what makes a mama happier than babies who want to learn how to be self-sufficient, using healthy, natural tools… other than maybe having them volunteer to clean up the mess afterward LOL!  …or maybe no fighting over who gets to use the coffee grinder to grind the herbs to a fine powder… (Hey, a gal can dream, can’t she?)

At any rate, we modified our recipe to fit what we had on-hand this time, and we wound up with this:

1/4 cup Nettles Powder

1/4 cup Mullein Powder (couldn’t find a link for this one, but beautiful herb 🙂

2/3 cup Cinnamon Powder

2/3 cup Rosehips Powder

1/3 cup Ginger Powder

2/3 cup Oat Straw Powder

1/2 tsp. Real Salt

2 Tbsp Hydrilla Verticillata (Fresh-Water Seaweed “Noxious Weed”, but GREAT supplement!)

1 1/3 cup Honey

1/2 tsp Orange Extract

Maybe 2/3 cup? Cocoa Powder (for rolling the vitamins in after they’re formed)

Roll dough into small balls, and roll the balls in cocoa powder.

This time, we put babies to work doing this part (with clean hands, of course), and it went much faster. I’m thinking that tiny fingers are just much better at this than mine are. I gave each kiddo a miniature ice cube tray, and had them put one vitamin in each hole when they were done. Works great, and, stored in the freezer, they should last forever. Once they’re frozen individually, I can put them all in one baggie & back in the freezer for space-saving storage.

Two little vitamins, and 2 Tbsp Lemon Flavored Cod Liver Oil, and 1/2 tsp kelp daily (I don’t put the kelp in the vitamins b/c the kids get the “treat vitamins” as a reward for downing the CLO & Kelp. Not sure it would work as well if the “treat vitamins” were more kelp-flavored. They line up & open their mouths like little birds for all of the above as it stands, so I’m not messin’ with it LOL!

Standard Disclaimer:

I’m  no doc, and don’t pretend to be one. I am therefore not legally licensed to diagnose, cure, treat, prevent, or otherwise mitigate any disease, and neither is the stuff I generally choose for healing… but then, I’ve not been educated indoctrinated by boards with big pharma reps on them, either ;-)  so do your own research and find what works for you :-)

I ran out of vitamins, and really didn’t want to spend the money on raw-food-based, quality, organic vitamins at the store. Danged  expensive to get the good stuff! …so I’ve been tossing around the idea of making my own. Becoming independent of the money gods and declaring my freedom. If “my people are gone into captivity for lack of knowledge…” (Isaiah 5:13), then maybe the converse is also true? Maybe there is freedom to be had… maybe, in part, to be earned through knowledge and through work in implementing it? Not talking in absolutes, necessarily, here– just the general thought that we can build freedom into our lives through a working understanding of Natural Laws.

With that as a frame-of-reference, I decided to experiment a bit 🙂 First I made some throat lozenges– stirred up some herbs & honey & a little Real Salt, and that went over really well– kiddos liked them, Hubby & I liked them, and they’re just really healthy, food-based medicine.

Here’s what I wound up doing with that:

1/2 cup Rosehips Powder

1/8 cup Comfrey Leaf Powder

1/8 cup Ginger Root Powder

1/3 cup Cinnamon

1/4 tsp Real Salt

3 heaping Tbsp Honey

1/4 tsp Real Salt

1/4 tsp Lemon Extract

1/4 tsp Orange Extract

1/4 cup Xylitol

Just enough hot water to make a dough. Drop by small spoonfuls onto an oiled cookie sheet & air-dry, or dehydrate in a dehydrator.

If I had it on-hand, I might include some licorice powder and / or some slippery elm powder, but this is what I had at the time. Worked nicely 🙂

They disappeared pretty fast, and enter point of confidence to try a bit more:-)  Here’s what I came up with for a first-shot at vitamins. Now, I do give everyone kelp, alfalfa, and Cod Liver Oil daily along with the regular multi, so I’m counting on those things to provide some of the nutrients that aren’t in the following recipe, but I’m thinkin’ I really like the idea of being more hands-on about our supplements and nutrition 🙂

Herbal Vitamins:

1/8 cup Chickweed Powder

1/8 cup Horsetail Powder

1 Tbsp Purple Dead Nettle Powder

1/4 cup Mullein Leaf Powder

2 Tbsp Comfrey Leaf Powder

1/3 cup Ginger Powder

1/3 cup Rosehips Powder

1/4 tsp Real Salt

2/3 cup Honey

1/4 tsp Lemon Extract

1/4 tsp Orange Extract

maybe 1/2 cup cocoa powder for rolling the dough in afterward?

Stir all dry ingredients together first, then make a well in the center, and pour in wet ingredients, and stir it all up ’till it makes a dough. Pinch off little balls and roll in cocoa powder, then set on a cookie sheet to dry, or in a dehydrator. Dehydrate at 115 or lower to preserve live enzymes.

Not the fanciest things in the world, and a bit spicy, so if you’re not into spicy, maybe trade out some ginger for something you like better. Definitely go with less ginger if you’re pregnant: a little is good for digestion and anti-nausea, but too much can stimulate uterine contractions. Works for us, though 🙂 Hubby & Twiddle-be-buttons say it’s a winner– they’re disappearing nicely 😀


I’ll probably play with the recipe some & see what exact amounts of which nutrients are “probably” in each ball– they’re not uniformly sized, but then, they’re all food-based, so no danger of toxicity, either 🙂

A word on comfrey– some folks are uncomfortable using it. I’m good with it. The older books have only good things to say about its use for all kinds of wonderful things. It’s only the modern books that suggest it has any potential for toxicity. “Just happens” that certain big businesses started experimenting with what certain extracts of it could do if injected into lab rats. I’m thinkin’ I’ll not inject it into my bloodstream, and maybe be fine LOL! I’m also very ok with other folks choosing a different nutrient-dense herb in place of it, because it does get a lot of bad press.  Which takes us to our Standard Disclaimer:

I’m  no doc, and don’t pretend to be one. I am therefore not legally licensed to diagnose, cure, treat, prevent, or otherwise mitigate any disease, and neither is the stuff I generally choose for healing… but then, I’ve not been educated indoctrinated by boards with big pharma reps on them, either ;-)  so do your own research and find what works for you :-)

So I grew up eating pork & shellfish, stepped on a few rusty nails, dug up a septic system when I was a kid (forced labor LOL!), had a run-in with a chemical something-or-other in an on-campus apartment in college, and spent a few decades running around getting Rx’s from docs for various ailments, which didn’t work, and then hunted down natural healing & detoxes, which finally did. After that mess, I’d finally got my body back, and I hit another “chemical something-or-other,” with a husband and 4 babies in-tow! My best guess is that it was an ex-meth house made over like a dream-home rental. At any rate, that sent me into a tail-spin, and fast. We got outta there, quick as we figured out it was the house, and I’ve been healing since.

One of the things the doc tried to pin on me was Rheumatoid (autoimmune) arthritis. He told me I had fibromyalgia, and that my “something-or-other” was high. I asked him what it was, and he said, “Oh, it’s a big word. You don’t need to worry about that.” …um, yeah… that went over like a lead balloon! I’m no doc, and don’t pretend to be one, but don’t tell me that somethin’ in my body is “too big a word”, and that I “shouldn’t worry my pretty little head about it.”!!! I was livid! All done with that doc, LOL!  My body got a LOT better once we got out of that house, but it took time and a LOT of work to make the headway that enabled me to become a strong, active, and even athletic woman again.

With that nut-shell background, a bit on what has been helpful for me in fighting the symptoms of severe, crippling (had to be carried when I could no longer crawl) arthritis:

MSM: methylsulphonylmethane– organic sulphur. No USRDA on it. Too much can give loose bm’s (which is a place where the zeolite can come in handy), but when I’ve been hurting badly, 2,000 mg every 2 hours has helped immensely. 3-5,000 / day maintenance dosage seems to be about right for me now. Also a nice anti-cancer tool.

FYI (by Garden of Life) or Rejuvenzyme (cheaper, but same strength of stuff): It’s pineapple enzymes, but super-potent: stronger than regular bromelain. Works better than Ibuprofen, and without the side-effects.

Wild Yam Root: terrible tasting stuff, and it took a good bit when I was in real pain. I’d take 2 heaping Tbsp of it every 2 hours, alongside the MSM when I needed it. I ordered it in by the pound b/c it’s cheaper that way, but it’s like swallowing gravel, so I had to be sure to have plenty of liquid on-hand to get it down. Again, an anti-cancer tool.

Ginger Root (Rhizome for technical folk): STRONG-brewed tea– great anti-inflammatory stuff. I was doing 3 quarts / day of about a heaping TBSP of ginger root powder per quart of hot water. Be sure to cover it while it brews to keep in the healthy stuff– steam can leach out some of the best properties in teas of all sorts. Also great for warming up cold tummies, and great for digestion.

Aloe Vera: 2-6 ounces / day– recipe here, and another post I wrote on it, with the Ancient Hebrew pictograph here. I’ve seen this plant do some beautiful things, both inside and out! Another anti-cancer tool in my basket!

Cod Liver Oil: 4 Tbsp / day– more info on my experiences with it & what king here. Great for weight loss and detox, too!

Zeolite: Great for drawing toxins out of the body. Slows down bm’s a bit if you have difficulty with diarrhea. Special kinds of minerals are just amazing tools!

Arnica: (only if you have some form of trauma you’ve dealt with) I was at the 1M level, as-needed for quite a while, but have since healed, got a reaction (“proving,” meaning that I’d healed at that level, and needed to move down to a lower potency) at the 1M level, and moved down to the 200C level, eventually had a reaction at that level, and was able to move down to the 30C level, again, as-needed. Only need it very occasionally now 🙂  More info on different potencies and how I use them here.

Diet : No GMO’s, No sugar, no grains except for brown rice, no legumes, TONS of Brassicas (broccoli, kale, collards, maca, etc.), no “unclean” animal meats (pork, shellfish, etc.), and for a while there, no dairy or eggs. Later on, I’ve been able to incorporate eggs & dairy back in, slowly and carefully– no hormones or antibiotics, no blood spots in the eggs, and the milk has to be RAW, and CULTURED– raw-milk organic cheese, or keifer, for example.

Sauna / Sweat: Great for getting rid of pesticides and petrochemicals– my joints LOVE sauna sessions. More info here.

Exercise / gentle movement, increasing as able– this one started out as moving whatever small appendage I was able to move in the mornings when I would wake up in the toxic house. Eventually, I’d be able to move another finger or toe next to that one, and so forth, until I could crawl, and then walk (most days). During that time, it was a choice– I could lie there and just quit breathing, or I could move a bit, even when it hurt. I recommend moving… as gently, and as much as possible 🙂

Heat at night: When I was living in the toxic house, I found that my lymph fluid would kind of “freeze up” in my joints– I’d wake up in the mornings with lumps everywhere– fluid that “got stuck” All but two are gone now– one in my right hand, and one in my left leg. Still working on those, but they don’t impede movement anymore 😀 Anyhow, I warm a cotton bag filled with rice or other grain in the oven or microwave ’till it’s as warm as I can touch, wrap it in a towel to hold the heat all night, and put one on my guts (where lymph fluid is supposed to drain into so that it can be eliminated through the normal channels), and one on whatever joints were worst-off, and elevated those joints, so the lymph fluid would flow back down toward the gut for natural elimination. I invariably woke up with better functioning when I started doing this.
I’m currently working on a book– if you have time to investigate any or all of those links (yeah… I know LOL!), I’d love feedback on what is / isn’t clear, helpful, etc– The book will be entitled, My Body Knows Torah… And I’m Not Jewish! (btw, for my Christian friends: Torah is the first 5 books of the Christian Bible)
OH… and the disclaimer thing:

I’m  no doc, and don’t pretend to be one. I am therefore not legally licensed to diagnose, cure, treat, prevent, or otherwise mitigate any disease, and neither is the stuff I generally choose for healing… but then, I’ve not been educated indoctrinated by boards with big pharma reps on them, either ;-)  so do your own research and find what works for you :-)

I’m also no rabbi, so please don’t take my experiences and path as your Rx for Kosher living :-)

Most folks are a bit familiar with the story of the Garden of Eden– the whole Adam & Eve being naked-and-not-ashamed thing. There was something good / functional about that. Yes, there are dysfunctional things that happen when folks twist that beautiful, functional picture, but the original picture and the original design was to have folks runnin’ around naked in the sun. We don’t do that so much now. Not only was it a “good thing” for Adam and Eve, but according to the prophet Isaiah, there’s a “good thing” coming where there’ll be a significantly greater sunlight at some point– a time of healing:

Isaiah 30:26“The light of the moon will be as the light of the sun, and the light of the sun will be seven times brighter, like the light of seven days, on the day the LORD binds up the fracture of His people and heals the bruise He has inflicted.”

With these two pictures in mind, maybe there’s “something good” that we can use in the here-and-now, in-between times.

A significant and mounting body of research suggests that, unless you’re a surfer year-round in the tropics, you’re probably not getting enough sunlight on your skin to produce sufficient Vitamin D. The USRDA is extraordinarily low, when compared with the requirements that are being suggested by some studies to prevent depression and build bone & dental strength… and danged if we don’t find a bazillion people in a world o’ hurt over dental issues and depression– especially seasonal affective disorder. *I’m no doc, so do your own research, and find what works for you.* That said, I find that my body responds extraordinarily well to around 10,000-14,000 iu of vitamin D drops daily. I tend to alternate with Cod Liver Oil ( I like Carlson’s Brand, Lemon Flavor best, and so do the kids. We put it in smoothies & yogurt & what-not). I tend to ignore their “recommended dosage” of 1-2 teaspoons, and give the kids 1-2 Tablespoons, and myself 2-4 Tablespoons / day on days when I don’t take the vitamin D drops. Let me repeat that– I do either, or– not doubling up b/c the CLO has good vitamin D in it at that dosage. My skin, hair, nerves & fingernails like the CLO best, while my teeth seem to like the lanolin-based vitamin D drops best (I get Nature’s Answer brand on that– 2,000 iu per drop), so I alternate between the two.

My world has been improved by this “Natural Miracle” among many others. Things I can see directly correlated to my own experiences with Cod Liver Oil: Reduced nervous tension, healing dry, brittle, paper-thin skin that would tear upon brushing against soft fabrics, reduced joint pains, reduced pain in cavities in my teeth, smoother, stronger-feeling teeth (they felt like brittle glass, and I was afraid to bite down with them for a while, certain I’d chip a tooth at any moment), watching a child’s feet, pointed in toward each other, point straighter, and the child walk straighter same-day with 2 Tbsp / day dosage. I’ve watched children’s hair go from a frayed, frizzy mess to smooth and shining with sufficient CLO, and complaints of “growing pains” eliminated by CLO.

Our grandmothers, or great-grandmothers knew the good of this “Natural Miracle.” Maybe their wisdom, combined with the wisdom of TaNaK can point us in a direction that validates some modern research 😉


Standard Disclaimer:

I’m  no doc, and don’t pretend to be one. I am therefore not legally licensed to diagnose, cure, treat, prevent, or otherwise mitigate any disease, and neither is the stuff I generally choose for healing… but then, I’ve not been educated indoctrinated by boards with big pharma reps on them, either ;-)   so do your own research and find what works for you :-)