


I’ve been offline for a bit. Internet access has been sketchy, but I had to post this:

I’ve seen miracles.


‘Wanna keep ‘yer teeth? I was looking at Vitamin K-2 a bit more closely today, as I take it for my teeth, and bumped into an article that I had to post here. I have to wonder how many “incurable diseases” are really just nutritional deficiencies…

Yes, K-3 can be problematic in large amounts, but it seems K-1 and K-2 are pretty beautiful and benign tools in much higher quantities than the USRDA:

So they say to eat plenty of green leafies for your health… hmm… where have I heard that before???

“Both thorns and thistles it shall grow for you;
And you will eat the plants of the field;”

–Genesis 3:18

Standard Disclaimer:

I’m  no doc, and don’t pretend to be one. I am therefore not legally licensed to diagnose, cure, treat, prevent, or otherwise mitigate any disease, and neither is the stuff I generally choose for healing… but then, I’ve not been educated / indoctrinated by boards with big pharma reps on them, either ;-)  so do your own research and find what works for you :-)

3/4 Cup Powdered Xylitol (I like a clean coffee grinder for this)

15 Drops Lemon-Myrtle Essential Oil

3 teaspoons MSM powder, Powdered more finely

1 Tbsp Calendula-infused olive oil (can be purchased at a health food store or made w/ your own flowers)

40 Drops Rosehip Seed Oil

15 Drops Grapefruit Seed Extract

6 Tbsp Organic Olive Oil


Mix it up, and put it in a food-grade squeezie tube.

Kosher for Passover 🙂

So the babies LOVED the home-made vitamins, and have been begging to learn how to make them. Today, their world is right… and so is mine. ‘Cause really, what makes a mama happier than babies who want to learn how to be self-sufficient, using healthy, natural tools… other than maybe having them volunteer to clean up the mess afterward LOL!  …or maybe no fighting over who gets to use the coffee grinder to grind the herbs to a fine powder… (Hey, a gal can dream, can’t she?)

At any rate, we modified our recipe to fit what we had on-hand this time, and we wound up with this:

1/4 cup Nettles Powder

1/4 cup Mullein Powder (couldn’t find a link for this one, but beautiful herb 🙂

2/3 cup Cinnamon Powder

2/3 cup Rosehips Powder

1/3 cup Ginger Powder

2/3 cup Oat Straw Powder

1/2 tsp. Real Salt

2 Tbsp Hydrilla Verticillata (Fresh-Water Seaweed “Noxious Weed”, but GREAT supplement!)

1 1/3 cup Honey

1/2 tsp Orange Extract

Maybe 2/3 cup? Cocoa Powder (for rolling the vitamins in after they’re formed)

Roll dough into small balls, and roll the balls in cocoa powder.

This time, we put babies to work doing this part (with clean hands, of course), and it went much faster. I’m thinking that tiny fingers are just much better at this than mine are. I gave each kiddo a miniature ice cube tray, and had them put one vitamin in each hole when they were done. Works great, and, stored in the freezer, they should last forever. Once they’re frozen individually, I can put them all in one baggie & back in the freezer for space-saving storage.

Two little vitamins, and 2 Tbsp Lemon Flavored Cod Liver Oil, and 1/2 tsp kelp daily (I don’t put the kelp in the vitamins b/c the kids get the “treat vitamins” as a reward for downing the CLO & Kelp. Not sure it would work as well if the “treat vitamins” were more kelp-flavored. They line up & open their mouths like little birds for all of the above as it stands, so I’m not messin’ with it LOL!

Standard Disclaimer:

I’m  no doc, and don’t pretend to be one. I am therefore not legally licensed to diagnose, cure, treat, prevent, or otherwise mitigate any disease, and neither is the stuff I generally choose for healing… but then, I’ve not been educated indoctrinated by boards with big pharma reps on them, either ;-)  so do your own research and find what works for you :-)

I LOVE hot cocoa. Can’t do most forms of dairy, or sugar. What’s a girl to do???!!!

2 Heaping Tbsp Organic* Cocoa Powder

Pinch Cinnamon (or not)

12 ozs boiling water

1/4 cup Organic* Coconut milk

Stir together in a 16-oz coffee mug.


**Note: the Organic Coacoa Powder may be replaced w/ regular if you can’t get the organic, but don’t skimp on the coconut milk: it tastes metallic if you get the regular kind.

Old Mid-Eastern remedy for diarrhea is cocoa– without sweeteners. Sweeteners can exacerbate it. This is a nice way to get it down! Pleasant medicine, if you’re running to the bathroom a bit too regularly 😉 Go easy on the coconut milk, though, in that event.

Standard Disclaimer:

I’m  no doc, and don’t pretend to be one. I am therefore not legally licensed to diagnose, cure, treat, prevent, or otherwise mitigate any disease, and neither is the stuff I generally choose for healing… but then, I’ve not been educated indoctrinated by boards with big pharma reps on them, either ;-)  so do your own research and find what works for you :-)

I was asked a couple of questions today, and thought I’d write the answers here:

First one was how I make my non-dairy, sugar-free icecream:

I use coconut milk. Amounts are approximate. I tend to experiment a bit with each batch:
2 cans coconut milk (I always do the organic b/c the conventional stuff tastes metallic)
1/2 cup honey
1/2 cup cocoa powder or a smaller bit of some other flavoring
1/2 tsp Real Salt
Stir together, and put in freezer. Stir every 15-20 minutes.
If you use a flavoring that isn’t so powdery, you might want a little beef gelatin dissolved into hot water to stir into it to thicken it a bit.

Second one was what Etz Chail means:
Etz means Tree, and Chail means “of life” or “of virtue.”
Etz Chail is tree of life, or tree of virtue. The wooden sticks in the ends of a Torah Scroll are called the “Trees of Life.” I’m learning to “eat” from these “trees” that give me wisdom for living.