Money and Underwear

I read an article or two the other day, and decided that I just had to write a bit about underwear. 🙂

OK, so undies aren’t usually within the fields of the health-nutty thing, or the Ancient Hebrew Pictographs thing, or connections between the two.  I guess, maybe it has more to do with the self-sustaining / sustainable thing, though… which does relate back to those in a round-about way…

I was scooting around online, checking my mail in between loads of laundry, dishes, diapers, and schoolwork, and my attention was caught by a video claiming to connect the status of the economy with mens’ underwear sales. Methinks, “YUP– been there! When we’re broke, and it’s a choice between buying food and…” OK, we’ll not go there. Then, I got off on a tangent, looking into the manufacture of those undies, and the outsourcing that “affordable” undies have done… I was sickened by not only the twistedness of the “money gods” who wouldn’t provide functional conditions or compensation to these people, but who further bought off congress to oppress an entire country, disallowing their government to raise their own minimum wage (and we wonder why we can’t compete with outsourcing and why we’re losing our jobs here???!!!) and the death threats???!!!

OK, so… breathing a bit… I’m not one to have very many dollars in “voting power,” but one thing we do buy new is undies. We’ve long since quit buying anything made by slave children in China. The kiddos check the labels carefully now. There are things that just don’t get replaced very often, but it makes for taking better care of what we have, anyhow.  Beyond that, it’s built a confidence that we can make things for ourselves a lot of the time, or function without some the “necesseties” that we “had to have” for survival. Now we’re independent of some of those things, and it’s empowering. Fruit of the Loom will not be getting any more blood from this one little turnip, even if I have to sew our family’s undies myself!

He who oppresses the poor to make more for himself
Or who gives to the rich, will only come to poverty.

–Proverbs 22:16

YHWH, in the original sense of the word, please, Judge!

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